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IBTC 2025:
Next generation routes & concepts

Are you a route maker or a policy maker in recreation and tourism at a local town or county council, or do you work for a route office, do you do marketing promotion as a communications consultant for a DMO (destination marketing organisation) or do you organise active holidays? 
Then we are pleased to invite you to the International Bike & hike Tourism Conference on Thursday 13 February 2025 in Utrecht, preceding the Fiets en Wandelbeurs Netherlands (14-15-16 February). Days that you as a professional in the development and promotion of route networks cannot afford to miss. 

The cycling route network in the Netherlands has been in place for 25 years and the walking network for 20 years. Just as in Belgium, which also maintains an extensive cycling and walking network, they are a shining example for countries which have a growing interest in such routes and route networks. This led us to the theme for this conference: ‘How can route networks and routes be deployed for the promotion of a region thereby offering visitors a sustainable and active recreational holiday or short break experience?’


The International Bike & hike Tourism Conference is dedicated to an exchange of knowledge, best practices, new developments and the contribution of route networks to the region. There is also a focus on countries where route networks are still at an early stage of development. The varied day programme, from 09:00 tot 17:00 hrs, offers new insights into policy, promotion and the composition of active journeys. Whether you are just starting as a professional in this field or a seasoned specialist, there will be contributions for and by everyone.

As well as a keynote-speaker and a panel discussion there are various break-out sessions to help you explore the theme in greater depth. There will be plenty of opportunity for networking during the reception, lunch and drinks.

Auteur en langeafstandswandelaar Tim Voors mand daughter

Keynote Tim Voors

The keynote speaker Tim Voors is a writer, adventurer and long-distance walker. After the success of his first book ‘Alone’, about his journey on foot from Mexico to Canada, he wrote books about his treks in New Zealand, Portugal and Sweden. He knows like no other how to captivate the room and take the audience with him on his journey with wonderful photos and the many amusing and moving experiences he had. Curious? Watch his introductory video about the keynote.

The following speakers will be also participating (*)

  • Sil Sanders, royal walking association of the Netherlands (KWbN)

  • Ankie van Dijk, director Wandelnet, research into walking in the Netherlands and routes you can experience 

  • Eric Nijland, director of Fietsplatform (cycling platform), advising on the roll-out of cycling nodes over the years

  • Fiona Smart, owner of Girona Cycling and cyclists’ hotel Mas Pelegri in Catalonia, about organising active cycling holidays in Spain and the setting up of a sustainable cycling business

  • Christian Tänzler, specialist in German Cycling tourism, who works for the ADFC and Visit Berlin, about the changes in cycling tourism and the importance of themed routes - showcase Berlin

  • Moniek Hover, professor of Storytelling at Breda University of Applied Sciences and developer of routes for Visit Brabant, will demonstrate how you build up a story around a route

  • Brigitte Ars, author of the book ‘Waar is het Avontuur’ (Where's the Adventure) about micro-adventures, and how these form a concept that can be used by DMO’s and tour operators

  • Marjan Gielen, owner of Destinationmakers, and Marion Hoogwegt, author of the book ‘Duurzaam door Spanje’ (Sustainably through Spain) and journalist, about how the Vias Verdes (Green Ways) in Spain have grown into a full-blown tourism product and the contributions of these to the region

  • Richard Bowen, roads portfolio manager at Transport Infrastructure Ireland about his country with a limited cycling culture, but whose government will be investing heavily in the next 15 years in a cycle network of about 3500 kilometres. 

Register now and we will be pleased to welcome you on 13 February in the Cursus- en Vergadercentrum Domstad (course and meeting centre Domstad) a 5-minute walk from Utrecht Central station. If you register before 1 November, you will receive a free ticket for the Fiets en Wandelbeurs 2025 in Utrecht or Ghent.

If you have any questions, please contact Stefan Maas  or Marjan Gielen .

Kind regards,
Team Hicle

(*) these speakers have confirmed their attendance; if this should change, we will let you know in advance.