Hicle Cycle Route of the Year
The aim of the Hicle Cycle Route of the Year competition is to stimulate regional governments and tourist services to put good quality cycle routes in place. You can apply new or recently radically renewed routes for this. Routes in your own country or routes abroad are eligible. An independent jury will evaluate these and announce the winner during the Fair in Utrecht.
You could submit routes for the 2025-election until June 1st, 2024.
More prices
In addition to the glass Hicle cycling trophy, the winner of co-sponsor Z-CARD® will receive a free design worth €595 and 1,000 extra Z-CARD®s with an order of at least 1,000 pieces. The Z-CARD® is a unique and sustainable foldable print product. When closed, it is compact enough for cyclists to take with them, when open it is large enough for all the necessary information, including maps, cycling routes and highlights. Perfect for presenting and distributing the Hicle Cycle Route of the Year.
Read the criteria on which the routes are assessed.
Judging criteria bicycle route
Criteria bicycle route
- new route or recently radically modified route
- multi-day route (minimum 130 km)
- own signage (node routes: only with 'own' signs, or logo/sticker) on the entire route
- as many separate cycle paths or quiet roads as possible
- good quality road surface
- safe route (little traffic, no dangerous obstacles)
Judgement based on
- scenic beauty and variation
- separate cycle paths, or very quiet country roads
- no traffic or industrial noise
- as few crossings of roads with motorised traffic as possible, and safe crossings where present
- quality of the road surface
- signage should be present, but not disturbing in the landscape
- facilities like benches and picnic tables at right spots
- sufficient provision of food and drink outlets
- bike repair facilities and overnight accommodation and information about these
- information about special flora and fauna
- clear website, guide book or map
- suitable for children and older cyclists
- no conflicting situations between users
- a minimum of bothersome barriers like gates, thresholds and stiles
- access to public transport with a bicycle at the start, end and various points between
- originality of the theme
- creativity in removing barriers
- added value of the route (for example adding the missing link between routes)
- other points that make the route really special
Winners Hicle Cycle route of the Year
2024 Van Gogh Drenthe Fietsroutes in the Netherlands
2023 EuroVelo 5 – Via Romea Francigena in Belgium
2022 Royal Canal Greenway (Ireland)
2021 Iron Curtain Route from Gmünd in Austria to Bratislava in Slovakia
2020 La Dolce Via (France)
2019 N8 Baltic Sea Cycle Route (Denmark)
2018 Kattegattleden (Sweden)
2017 La Vélo Francette (France)
2016 Van Goghroute (Netherlands)
2015 Alpe Adria Radweg (Austria and Italy)
2014 Vennbahn (Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg)
2013 Vélodyssée (France)
2012 Havelradweg (Germany)
2011 Radwegenetz Dahner Felsenland (Germany)
2010 Voie verte Trans-Ardennes (France)