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Save the IBTC date!


  save the date IBTC 2021

After the successful start of the conference in 2020, we will be organizing a second edition of the International Bicycle Tourism Conference (IBTC) next year. This time, it will be a virtual conference, so you can participate online.

The IBTC takes place on 27-28 January in the run-up to the 17th edition of the “Fiets en Wandelbeurs” (Hike & Bike Xperience). The "Fiets en Wandelbeurs" will be held on Friday 19 and Saturday 20 February in Jaarbeurs Utrecht. 

Cycling boost due to the corona crisis

More than ever cycling is in the spotlights. The corona crisis has boosted bicycle use in Europe. Consumers are discovering the two-wheeler as a sustainable and relatively safe means of transport. Governments are building bicycle paths in the cities at an accelerated pace. Will bicycle tourism benefit from this? And does this development continue, or do we fall back into the old habits?

Marketing cycling routes

Much attention is also being paid to the marketing of bicycle routes. A beautiful route does not automatically attract cyclists, it requires a well thought-out marketing plan. What resources can you use for this? How do you lure the cyclist? And does it make sense to put influencers on a bicycle, for example?

We are currently working on the details of the program. We will keep you informed of the developments.

Until 2021!
The IBTC-team

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